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Coordinators Plus Square Dance Club

We "Explode and Load the Boat, then Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears"

Lots of wonderful memories. Sadly, this club is no longer dancing.

The Coordinators dance the Plus list of Modern Square Dancing.
We meet on Mondays from 8:00-10:00 p.m. in Room 1 from late September to mid May
North Woodside Community Centre, 230 Pleasant St., Dartmouth
Caller: Dottie Welch
Contact: Dottie at 902-435-4544, dwelch@eastlink.ca

Coordinators Class, Club and Workshop information

Each regular dance evening we workshop on Plus call from an unusual position during one or two tips.
Lunch and theme nights are scheduled to coincide with the holidays.
(Halloween, Christmas, Valentines and Saint Patrick's Day)
Instruction for new Plus dancers is arranged whenever dancers express interest.
We recommend at least two years of Mainstream square dancing before starting to learn the Plus list.
For more information contact Dottie at 435-4544 or dwelch@eastlink.ca.

Coordinators Fall Open House and starting date is Monday, October 21, 2019
No Dance on November 11, 2019 (Remembrance Day)
Starting after Christmas Break on January 6, 2020
No dance on April 6, 2020 (CALLERLAB)
No dance on April 13, 2020 (Easter Monday)
Closing for the Summer on May 11, 2020

Theme Dances - Music, Attire, and Lunch

Coordinators Halloween Dance: Monday, October 28, 2019
Coordinators Christmas Dance: Monday, December 9, 2019
Coordinators Valentine Dance: Monday, February 10, 2020
Due to COVID-19 restrictions effective 15 March 2020, all dancing canceled until further notice.
Coordinators Saint Patrick's Dance: Monday, March 16, 2020

Coordinators Sail Into Summer Plus Windup Special
is scheduled for Monday, May 4, 2020 at the usual time and place

Sail Into Summer Poster
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Coordinators Club History and Program

The Coordinators formed out of a Plus Class that began in January of 1988.
The first club dance was held Monday, September 18, 1989 at Findlay Community Centre.
We began with four callers on a rotating schedule with Hot Mike nights planned periodically.
The original callers were Dottie Welch, Kerry Fletcher, Wade Savage and Mark Savage.
We chose the name Coordinators because "Coordinate" is a move on the Plus list and
we felt we were acting as coordinators of plus dancers and callers in the Metro area at the time of formation.

We moved to Prince Arthur Junior High then to Saint Peter's Parish Centre and our calling staff shrank to one dedicated caller, Dottie Welch.
Dottie continues to hones our skills at Plus and provides ongoing entertainment and variety.
We have been dancing on Monday evenings at North Woodside Community Centre since September of 2000.
