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When a couple is facing out they should Partner Trade and wait for next group.
It is also possible to do a double progression in many of the dances by having
 those in the center Pass Thru twice while the outsides trade.
Quebec Mescolanza
By Dottie Welch, January 2015
Music: "Reel Montreal and Set Baie St. Paul" (Yankee Ingenuity) 

A1  (16)  All 8 Circle Left once around
A2  (8)  Each Four Right Hand Star
      (8)  Same Four Left Hand Star

B1  (8)  Opposite Clap (knees 2, hands 2, opposite 3) 
      (8)  Partner Claps 
B2  (8)  With the music Forward and Back
      (8)  Opposite two hand turn half, let go and solo turn half to new group  

Keep in Time Mescolanza
By Dottie Welch, November 2014
Music: "The Girl I Left Behind Me", Don Messer (Marching feel) (and "Rose Tree")

A1  (8)  Opposite Clap (knees 2, hands 2, opposite 3) 
      (8)  Partner Claps 
A2  (8)  Each Four Right Hand Star
      (8)  Same Four Left Hand Star

B1  (8)  All Eight to left Single File March 8
      (8)  Turn alone and March back
B2  (8)  Dosado Opposite
      (8)  Pass Thru and move on

New Friends Mescolanza
By Dottie Welch, November 2014

A1  (8)  All 8 Circle Left once around
      (8)  Circle Right
A2  (8)  With the music Forward and Back
      (8)  Right Couple in front Sashay over

B1  (8) Each 4 Right Hand Star
      (8) Same 4 Left Hand Star
B2  (8) Dosado Opposite
      (8) Pass Thru and Bow
Flash Freeze Mescolanza
By Dottie Welch, February 2015
Formation:  Mescolanza (Lines of 4 facing each other up and down) 
Music:  "Reel Skieurs / Reel Tadoussac / Rocket Richard" on Sisters in Cahoots CD
A1   (8)  All Eight Dancers Circle Left halfway  
       (8)  Right and Left Thru
A2   (8)  Each Four Star Left
       (8)  Same Four Star Right

B1   (8)  Center Four Star Left (Ends freeze)
       (8)  Centers Star Right
B2   (8)  Opposites Dosado
       (8)  Once and a half and move on 

SEED Mescolanza  (Single Event Easy Dance)
By Dottie Welch, ~2006
Music: "Transportation Medley" or "Flowers on the Wall" or "That's the Kind of Woman"

A1  (16)  All 8 Circle Left once around
A2    (8)  Each 4 Right Hand Star
    (8)  Same 4 Left Hand Star

B1  (8)  With the music Forward and Back
      (8)  Right Couple in front Sashay over
B2  (8)  ith the music Forward and Back
      (8)  Dosado Opposite and Pass Thru

Caledonian Mescolanza
By Dottie Welch, Fall 2001
Formation:  Lines of 4 facing each other up and down
Music:  "Caledonian Lady" on Lloyd Shaw E-70

A1  (16)  Eight Dancers Circle Left
A2  (8)  Right and Left Thru
      (8)  Ladies Chain

B1  (8)  Flutterwheel
      (8)  Pass Thru and Trade By
B2  (8)  Star Right
      (8)  Star Left

Mescolanza in Four
By Dottie Welch, Fall 2001
Formation:  Lines of 4 facing each other up and down
Music:  "New England March" or "SLA Contra" on Silver Sounds 163

A1  (8)  Star Thru and Centres Arch
      (8)  Dive Thru and Double Pass Thru
A2  (8)  Leaders Trade, all Touch 1/4
      (8)  Scoot Back and Men Run

B1  (8)  Rock it Up and Back, Pass the Ocean
      (8)  Ladies Trade, Swing Thru (go right & left)
B2  (8)  Men Run, Bend the Line
      (8)  Pass Thru and Trade By

Saint Andrew's Mescolanza
(Named for Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church where we have Square and 
Round Danced for over 30 years.)
By Dottie Welch, February 2005
Formation:  Lines of 4 facing each other up and down, partners side-by-side
Music:  "Ellwyn's Fairy Glen", from Caledonia Ball

A1  (16)  All Eight Circle Left
A2  (8)  Each 4 Star Right 
      (8)  Center 4 Star Left

B1  (8)  Partner Swing
      (8)  Opposite Dosado
B2  (16)  Right Pull By, next Left Dosado then Left Pull By 

Relay the Deucey Mescolanza
By Dottie Welch, 
Idea from Clark Baker at Richmond, Virginia, Callerlab, March 2002
Formation:  Lines of 4 facing each other up and down

A1  (8)  Ladies Chain
      (8)  Pass the Ocean and Ladies Trade
A2  (16)  Relay the Deucey

B1  (8)  (continue Relay the Deucey)
      (8)  Partner Swing (end facing up or down)
B2  (8)  Right and Left Thru with an extra half turn to move on
      (8)  Star Right
When a couple is facing out, Partner Trade and wait for next sequence.

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